This was by far the most challenging I attempted to day. Forget the eagle. It took me 7 full sessions, total of 25-30h of work.
All to make a surprise gift to my mum – she asked for a portrait of Jesus, but no way I’m going to do that. Instead, I picked a nice subject on the theme, a little angel with soft skin, velvety wings and a peculiar pose – I always struggled drawing hands and I knew this was going to be a challenge.
Firstly I sketched it at home:

Then a few layers of fresh paint – this messed up the hands details, and taught me I should have paid more attention when drawing

On the wings, I started with their background darker hues. This stage was difficult to look at, to be honest

After a few sessions working on his body and face, it was starting to take shape, though roughly. Fixing the hands took me 3 hours.. what a pain.
My favourite part was the skin under the triceps, near the elbow. Weird.

One full session on the wings, transforming them

And finally, the best part, highlights and fine tuning – finally done!!

Plus me for proportions