What’s my excuse? (Dedicated to Seth)

Homer's lizard brain

As I’m trying to get this started, I feel the pressure coming from all the distractions in my head: checking the phone, moving to another tab, read that last email, clear the notification etc.. they’re all excuses not to put the best work out there, and we use them every day (I do for sure).

Seth Godin attributes these to a primal fear. It’s the “lizard brain” speaking to us, pushing us to postpone the hard work, secretly trying to avoid the risk that comes from taking a leap. It’s the same fear that drives us to be busy all the time, instead of doing what matters. The “war of art”.

I think this applies to all areas of life, from proper art to working out, from reading/writing to spending quality time with people. I find it especially true now, where constant distractions and bite-sized attention are killing most of our higher level pursuits.

This is me starting to challenge the lizard brain by writing and drawing daily, posting work and thoughts even when imperfect (ahhh perfection!).

Read more about the subject here.

And see you soon