My first painting

This is what got all started, and I know as I’m writing the post a while after the fact.

In June 2015, a friend took me to a painting session on a quiet Sunday in Singapore and I – very clumsily – gave it a try. I picked a book about painting and tried copying the image of a boat from another artist, within the book.

First Boat Painting - in the making
First Boat Painting – in the making

It was totally messy, with oil moving things around, colours difficult to handle, and overall quite frustrating. Many tones were hidden in the original painting and I couldn’t see them even after receiving instructions.

After a few sessions I was able to slightly control the brush to make shapes, though the boat seems on the verge of collapsing 🙂

My First Painting - incomplete
My First Painting – incomplete

I did a few more strokes in the session, then somehow the café staff lost the painting (!) and I started another one. It was found weeks later, but I didn’t want to continue it – so I signed it as incomplete:

First Painting final
First Painting – final version